Town News


**SCAM ALERT** Please be aware of a current scam in which a person calls posing as the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department . The scammers will fradulantly inform you that you have either an active warrant or have missed Jury Duty in an attempt to solicite money from you. If you receive a...Read more


Notice is hereby given that the Kure Beach Town Council will hold a Special Meeting at the Kure Beach Town Hall for the purpose of holding a Council Retreat to discuss and consider various topics of importance to the Town. The meeting will be held on February 3, 2025, beginning at 9:00 am, or...Read more


The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 is cancelled due to the Historic Preservation Commission holding a Quasi-judicial hearing.Read more


Kure Beach Residents,

Temperatures tonight are forecast to get just below freezing, which will refreeze the roads from today. Fortunately the temperature will rise into the 40’s tomorrow and we should see the roadways improve through the day tomorrow. By early afternoon, the roadways...Read more


Coffee with the Mayor scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled due to the inclement weather.Read more


Kure Beach Residents,

Emergency Services personnel have been out early this morning. As forecast, after the sun went down yesterday, temperatures dropped and roadways re-froze from the traffic yesterday. Roadways today are very icy and dangerous . Unlike yesterday, where roadways has a...Read more


Kure Beach Residents,

The town received a mixture of ice and snow throughout Tuesday night into Wednesday late morning. The roadways will refreeze overnight and will be more slippery later this evening and tomorrow morning than this afternoon.

Two burst waterpipes were dealt with...Read more


Kure Beach Residents,

The roadways are very treacherous today. This morning emergency personnel have been out and there is ice underneath the layer of snow on roadways. Elevated stairwells and sidewalks are very slippery as well. Please only be on roadways for REQUIRED needs, as...Read more


Kure Beach Residents,...Read more


Coffee with Mayor Oliver will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Town Hall.

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