Monday, August 28, 2023 - 12:02pm

Kure Beach Citizens,

Hurricane Franklin is beginning to impact Kure Beach with large swells and riptides. Please review the emergency communication from the Kure Beach Fire Department and take precautions when going on the beach or swimming due to this storm’s impact. The Fire Department will be moving lifeguard stands due to the high surf and King tide impacts that could affect the beach later this week.

Tropical Storm Idalia is currently predicted to impact Kure Beach at the earliest on Wednesday (most likely on Wednesday evening) with Tropical Storm Force winds and potentially 6-10 inches of rainfall later this week. The Town will be taking the following actions over the next few days in preparation for this event. Public Works is inspecting and cleaning stormwater systems to ensure that they remove the significant rain as designed, as well as securing any public items that could be impacted by the 40-50 mph winds that are currently being forecast with the storm.  All Departments are reviewing their Hurricane/Tropical Storm plans and performing preparations for this event. Public Works will NOT be doing the Thursday morning pickup.

As a resident or property owner, you should ensure that (1) any debris that could wash into the storm water system on your property is secured to prevent causing localized flooding to you or your neighbors by blocking storm drains, and (2) securing your trash/recycling and other outside items that could be impacted by Tropical Storm force winds. If you have any construction projects at your home in progress, ensure that you secure building materials and waterproof any areas of concern to prevent damage to your home or impacting your neighbor’s property. It is possible that the town could lose power for a short amount of time with this type of event, so you should be prepared for 6-12 hours with no power for this event. Due to the timing of the event and potential wind/rain issues on Thursday, DO NOT put out any items for Pick-up Thursday morning as Public Works will not be doing the Thursday pickup this week.

If you have questions or concerns please contact Town Hall at 910-458-8216. For any Emergencies during the storm, utilize 911.

AT&T Users please be aware text messages for emergency alerts are currently blocked so please make sure to sign up for email alerts. The Town is currently working on remedy this issue with the carrier. Please sign up for alerts here

Very Respectfully,

David W. Heglar, PE

Emergency Manager

Town of Kure Beach